35% of adults (80 million) in the United States are Cultural Creatives, people whose careers and lifestyles extend outside of themselves to benefit purposeful goals (sustainability, personal growth, diversity, peace, equality), up 175% from 1995 (Ray, 2010)
Purpose is correlated with 4x decrease in anxiety in diverse environments (Cornell / Carelton, 2013)
Purpose can help police to stop shooting unarmed suspects (Wyoming, 2024)
Writing about important values increases other-centeredness and reduces defensiveness (Michigan, 2008)
Purpose is correlated with an increase in philanthropy and volunteering by 50% (Gallup/Healthways, 2013)
Purpose enhances reflection on past and future, increasing consideration of impact on others (Florida State, 2012)
Purpose is correlated with forgiveness and post-traumatic growth (Fielding, 2022)
Purpose is correlated with extroversion, conscientiousness, openness to experience, and agreeableness and negatively correlated with neuroticism (U of Lisbon, 2023)
Meaning in life is associated with a higher level of connectedness to parents, school, peers, and teachers, and academic self-efficacy (study skills, time management, critical and creative thinking, and involvement in learning) and personal self-efficacy dimensions (positive self-concept, problem-solving, self-management, and self-reflection) (University of Hong Kong, 2020)
Purpose is correlated with 32% fewer doctor visits and 61% fewer overnights in the hospital per year, when compared to those with the lowest purpose scores (Harvard, 2014)
Purpose is correlated with preventive care: 121% increase in flu shots, a 228% increase in cholesterol tests, a 133% increase in colonoscopies, a 330% increase in mammograms, a 210% increase in pap smears, a 386% increase in prostate exams (Harvard, 2015)